About The Team

Isla Iago

Jessie Sullivan

Our Mission

Boost global literacy.

Our Vision

All children with access to affordable resources that enable them to read, write and speak English with maximum ease, speed and enjoyment.

Our Values

Innovation, continual improvement and continual learning. Hard work, smart work and perserverance. Honesty, compassion and love.

  • 2017

    Teach First Program

    Jessie and Isla began the 2 year Teach First Ambassador programme in Norwich in the UK, both inspired by the mission of building a fair education for all.

  • 2019

    Huili Bilingual School Shanghai

    Jessie and Isla moved to work in a bilingual school in Shanghai, China.

  • 2020

    Stepping Stones Charity

    Jessie and Isla volunteered to teach English for the charity Stepping Stones. During this time, See Say Write was developed.

  • 2021

    Middle East

    With their time in Shanghai at an end, Isla moved back to the UK and Jessie to the UAE. Both were unsure how to move forward with See Say Write and lacked the time amid new adventures. That's when See Say Write received a boost from Elliot, Jessie's long-term partner, who formalised the project and worked to make it available to as many children as possible around the world.

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Where did we start?

See Say Write was initially developed as a collaboration project with the charity Stepping Stones. Stepping Stones is a not-for-profit charitable organisation registered in Shanghai with a mission to improve the education and general welfare of disadvantaged children in China.

We identified the lack of phonics provision as one possible cause of the educational gap so started to develop a phonics programme which could be used in centres around Shanghai.

Hence, See Say Write was born.

After many hours of filming, editing, drawing (and singing!), we realised the huge potential See Say Write had to improve the English acquisition of children, not only in Shanghai, but around the world.

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Where are we now?

  1. Providing a high-quality resource for the classroom, homework, interventions and homeschooling
  2. Educating disadvantaged students in Shanghai over summer school programmes, home learning programmes and English centres
  3. Due to be embedded in the curriculum of a fee paying school in Dubai
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Where would we like to go?

We have the vision to give as many children as possible the fundamental foundations they need to become fluent readers, whether this be in a school or home environment.

Having received a "certificate of appreciation" award from Stepping Stones for the creation of See Say Write we know we can collaborate with more educational charities over the world to help tackle educational inequality.